What I am learning.

The message behind this is that I am always evolving and looking within myself to evaluate, learn, grow. If you can stand on my shoulders and learn from my mistakes, all the better. If my lessons help one person- how fulfilling! It would make the hard days so very worth it.  

2022 gave me a few beautiful lessons. I knew that my word for the year would be “discomfort.”  I wanted to embrace the discomfort that I expected and instead of run away from it, as I had in the past, I wanted to run into it. What could I learn from discomfort? What if I saw discomfort as a gate to open instead of a gate to close? Well- it was a year of discomfort. And it was a year of beauty coming from ashes!

Jessica Shanor

Jessica is a Certified Life Coach and Master Performance Consultant. She has invested her career in helping her clients (both companies and individuals) in the areas of problem-solving, finding pathways to success, team dynamics, working with leadership to cast vision and creating workplace environment to equip employees to reach their full potential. Jessica is a mother to three teenagers, has been happily married for 21 years and resides in the mountains of beautiful Western North Carolina. When she’s not coaching her clients (which is her ultimate passion,) she enjoys hiking, playing tennis and spending time with her family at the ocean.


Doubt does not negate the dream.