Frequently asked questions

If you feel a tug, but you just aren’t sure- take this one step and reach out. Nothing lost, everything possibly gained. How do you think you will feel once you have taken this first step? Brave, a sense of relief, perhaps a little anxious, curious…. I felt the same way when I was the client. I understand- and I’ve got you! Coaching has changed my life and I believe it will do the same for you too.

  • Coaching isn’t about being told what to do or not do. The very best coaching is when the coach leads the client to understand what is going on inside their brain and take a look at the inner dialogue. From there, the client can be in control of what thoughts are helping to create a life they love and what thoughts are creating obstacles, drama, barriers, and self-inflicting punishment. Coaching can help equip the client with the tools to hear what they are thinking. This is a beautiful process and one that is not easily achieved without the expertise of a coach.

  • Everyone should have a coach and now is the right time to engage in coaching. Coaching can help with any issue, goal, decision, past and future thinking, belief systems, relationships, etc.

    That being said, coaching is not a replacement for therapy, particularly when a client has a mental illness or has experienced extreme trauma that they are ready to get expert help with. It is not a replacement for medications. Coaching is best when a person is stable and ready to up-level their life.

  • We meet and I will start my call with “what would you like coaching on today?” My clients can always bring an issue or discuss anything they would like. However, they also know that they don’t have to prepare anything at all. I am always prepared to guide our session based on our initial consultation call or on past topics and concerns they have discussed. The session lasts 45 minutes and we will end with something to focus on over the next week.

    I typically recommend that my clients have a journal or notebook that is solely for their coaching time. This is where they can journal, reflect on the session, complete homework, and work on long-range goals or coaching projects.

  • This work takes time before you start to see long-term evidence of deep results. Typically our first coaching plan together will last around 6 months. We work 1:1, weekly for 45 minutes. It is important for me to equip my clients with some self-coaching techniques as well. We do this through journaling, email, or homework assignments.

  • Typically my clients start to see results within their first month of weekly coaching. This varies depending on the issues we discuss as well as the “work” that my clients do outside of our coaching time. Coaching takes time, and it is hard work. I often tell my clients that while they will experience some quick wins, we want to follow a path that explores their deeply embedded internal beliefs. For some clients perhaps they start to see transformation in 3 months, for others it might take a year.

  • Before I agree to work with someone, I set aside 2 consultation appointments with each individual at no charge. During the first appointment, we get to know each other. I share about myself and why coaching is so important to me. I ask you about your life and why you are interested in getting coached. I ask general questions and allow time to clarify the problems. In the second appointment, I reflect back to my potential client on the reasons they aren’t happy in their work, career, business, or life. I offer a coaching plan that I believe will be best suited for them.