About me

Sometimes people find a career that aligns with their super-power. That’s exactly what happened with me! Coaching is my passion. It is such an amazing and beautiful honor to help people push through obstacles, look at their inner belief systems, find purpose, and deepen the relationships in their life.  

I spent years working with companies as a Master Performance Consultant and truly enjoyed my work. It was all about problem-solving, finding pathways to success, team dynamics, working with leadership to cast vision and create the right workplace environment to equip their employees to get their job done. Each company, each project was so different. But the days that I truly loved were the days when I was able to connect 1:1 with employees. I loved the days when I could help them find a solution to solve their problem or the days when I could coach an employee to reach their full potential. 

As workplaces changed with COVID-19, I too had an opportunity to change my career path. I decided to press pause on traveling for consulting projects and I began to coach virtually. In 2022, I made the final decision to close my consulting firm and open a coaching practice. And I haven’t looked back. It is truly one of my greatest pleasures to open a safe place for my clients to let their guard down, listen to their inner voice, look internally at what obstacles they have created, and work with them to find a new pathway. Receiving coaching isn’t always easy. There are seasons in someone's life that are truly difficult to walk through. The place where the coach meets her client is a sacred place to me and one that I love.  

I am a Certified Life Coach and I work with individuals who want to see better results in their life. They are tired of feeling overwhelmed, stuck, confused, lost, and alone. We work together and they start to see the positive impact on their life, their relationships, and their work within a few sessions. What’s truly amazing is that usually someone comes to coaching for one issue but is able to reap the results of coaching across all areas of their life. This is The Ripple Effect. I can’t wait to meet you and see how the ripples of coaching impact your life in a beautiful and meaningful way.  

“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.”

— Abraham Maslow