Your best is yet to come.

Coaching is for everyone.

You included.

Coaching can solve any problem.

Yours included.

The space between where the coach and the client meet is sacred ground to me. My clients feel seen, heard, safe, and valued. This opens the door for each person to pause the chaos around them. It is in this space that my clients can share what they are facing and find their path forward.

Feeling alone?

Through coaching my clients find their voice, their confidence, and understand the value they bring to their work and their home life. They create beautiful and lasting connections.

Does your life feel out of balance?

Over working, dreading Monday morning, anxious in the middle of the night, distracted, worried…  

Through consistent coaching, my clients find freedom and clarity. They sleep better, have a renewed mind for their work, are present and can begin to dream again.

Let’s connect.

For me, it is all about creating a heart-to-heart connection with my clients. From there, my clients have the opportunity to face their problems, their fears, or anything that is holding them back from the life they desire. Over the course of a few weeks, they start to grow, change, dream, and see amazing results that can last a life-time.

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

— Paolo Coelho

Some kind words from a few clients

"It's a rare combination in a coach to find someone with the balance of skills, life and business experiences, and empathy that Jessica possesses. More importantly, she knows how to put this all together to optimize the mix for the ultimate benefit of her clients (in this case, me!) Though I wasn't sure what to expect going into the coaching sessions with Jess, and I wasn't even sure I actually needed "life" coaching, I am certainly getting a lot out of the process on both a personal and professional level (as an entrepreneur.) I highly recommend Jessica as both a Life Coach and as a Business Coach."

- David S.

"I had the honor and privilege of being coached and mentored by Jess. She helped me with self confidence, time management, goal planning, strategic planning, and handling difficult situations at work. Her mentorship has been invaluable to my career and personal development and I would highly recommend her to anyone who’s wanting to grow personally and/or professionally. You won’t be disappointed!"

- Jeannine B.

“Jessica was instrumental in my professional improvement this year. She helped me become a better leader and really helped me get my head straight. Through coaching, I learned to be mindful of how I approach my thoughts when working through issues. This allowed me to stop making small incremental improvements based on task or talent and move to large steps in improvement. That mindset is a multiplier to the task or talent skills. She has many years of experience helping executives perform at their best and is also one of the most caring people I have ever known. I really can’t thank her enough.”

- Patrick C.

How this coaching thing works

Consultation >

We spend a little time getting to know each other.

Develop a plan >

Typically my clients begin with a 6 month coaching plan where we meet weekly for 45 minutes.

Get to work >

Learn to present yourself and your concepts with confidence.

See results >

My clients typically start to see results within the first month of our time together. This will grow.

Ready to get started?

Complete the form below and we’ll set up a time to chat.