Doubt does not negate the dream.

“Doubt does not negate the dream.”

This one sentence re-opened every past dream that I had walked away from. Doubt was so sneaky! Doubt had crept in without me noticing and it covered up my business dreams and aspirations. 

I knew that I wanted to use my coaching and consulting expertise to help women entrepreneurs become wildly successful. Somehow a small seed of doubt quietly grew. I began to stray away from my desire. I started to look to other areas of potential coaching. Honestly, I spent a lot of time and energy questioning everything and eventually I found myself without any future aspirations at all. You see, I am a visionary. If I stand still for 5 minutes I can see well into the future and have a clear picture of my future business. It is a beautiful gift.  But this doubt had covered up my future focus and caused me to question myself and my coaching path.  

Back in November, I took a business trip and had hoped that stepping away for a few days would help me see a new picture for my business. Well as it turned out, I didn’t need a new picture or a new dream. I had one. I just allowed doubt to cover it up.  

At the event, Brooke Castillo said something about letting negative emotions be present. Something inside me clicked and this sentence changed everything for me: “Doubt doesn’t negate my dreams.” I had unknowingly given doubt my power but once I said that one simple sentence- everything shifted. Over the next few hours it was as if I could see the dream again.  The cloud dissipated. The power shifted from doubt to dream.  

This is the power of coaching. While I wasn’t getting coached personally, I was watching others get coached. I was participating in their experience by observing and listening to how to apply their coaching insights to my own life.  

Once again, I knew my dream. 

To help as many female entrepreneurs reduce their mess to accomplish their milestones. I want to directly impact women making millions of dollars and encourage mentoring movement among the next generation of female entrepreneurs. Let’s Go!!!!  Everything is possible.  Doubt does not negate the dream.  

Here are some journaling prompts if you feel the weight of doubt in your life.

  1. Go back to a dream that fired you up! Visualize everything you can about what you saw, dreamed, and hoped for.  

  2. Say to yourself, “Doubt does not negate the dream.” And understand that doubt will always be there, but you will no longer give it power.

  3. Over the course of the next few days, step back into your dream and write everything down that you see, you think, and you feel.  Allow it to swell once more in your heart.  

  4. Take action towards your dreams. Write down 5 actions that you can accomplish towards your dreams and then go do them!   

Jessica Shanor

Jessica is a Certified Life Coach and Master Performance Consultant. She has invested her career in helping her clients (both companies and individuals) in the areas of problem-solving, finding pathways to success, team dynamics, working with leadership to cast vision and creating workplace environment to equip employees to reach their full potential. Jessica is a mother to three teenagers, has been happily married for 21 years and resides in the mountains of beautiful Western North Carolina. When she’s not coaching her clients (which is her ultimate passion,) she enjoys hiking, playing tennis and spending time with her family at the ocean.

Our brains have the answers!


What I am learning.